The power of introverts (and their extroverted colleagues) “It would be valuable for Ara to be more vocal...and express her thoughts more openly.” Have you ever received feedback like this?Have you ever given feedback like this?As a recipient, I’ve pushed myself to be more outwardly extroverted. It’s not by accident that I’m often the first person to ask a question in a large group. In meetings, I speak exponentially more than feels comfortable. I welcome opportunities to speak on panels. I’m not traumatized by these tweaks, but there are still costs to going against your personal grain.Earlier this year, I had my mid-year review with my much more extroverted manager. I braced myself for the “speak more; be more vocal” feedback. It didn’t happen. Instead, she turned it around and asked something to the effect of, “how can I support you in being even more yourself?”Introverted me?Yep.Now, instead of masking my introversion, I wear it like a sparkly cape. It’s a superpower for the greater good. So, introverts unite? Yes! We can influence others by leading authentically.And..let’s not leave out the extroverts. They’ll help us be better leaders for everyone on our teams; not just the ones like us. leadershipAra TuckerFebruary 22, 2020introvert, extrovertComment Facebook0 Twitter Pinterest0 0 Likes